Who Are the Friends of French Prairie?
Friends of French Prairie is made up of people who live and farm in the geographic area that has historically been referred to as French Prairie since the 1820’s. We are sensitive to the area’s history and well aware of the development pressures that arise from being on the southern border of metro Portland. We work to promote regional prosperity through our French Prairie Branding Program, identifying critical Land Use Issues, and more.

Our Vision
Enhancing Oregon’s historic breadbasket through family farming

Our Mission
Advocating for appropriate growth and facilitating sustainable and prosperous farming
What is French Prairie?
French Prairie contains some of the highest quality farmland in the continental United States and the most available groundwater in the state. It is one of the areas surrounding Metro Portland under the most developmental pressure, and has been designated “Foundation Agricultural Land” by the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture. learn more
French Prairie is possibly the most historic piece of real estate in the entire West, certainly in the Pacific Northwest, and it must be protected.
Critical Land Issues
The northeast part of French Prairie, south of Wilsonville along the I-5 corridor, is the area under the greatest pressure for development. These pressures include development of the Langdon Farms Golf Course, commercial expansion in and around the Aurora Airport, as well as Metro Portland and City of Donald Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) expansions. Some of these developments are so critical that should they happen, the “doorway to French Prairie” could open, allowing significant development along I-5, and taking out large quantities of agricultural land in the process.
Latest Post
Friends of French Prairie Advances People’s Petition Opposing Expansion of the Aurora State Airport
Friends of French Prairie announces the establishment of a people’s petition opposed to the planned expansion of the Aurora State Airport.
French Prairie Branding Initiative
The French Prairie Branding Program is an initiative to develop brand awareness for products grown and produced in historic French Prairie, with the intent of helping local farmers prosper through enhanced public awareness, marketing opportunities and improved sales & distribution.
Get Involved Today!
Promoting prosperous farming requires work in many areas to develop brand recognition, help local farmers find and develop new markets and connect with new opportunities—as well as preserving farm land. As new and varied demands for land arise, careful management and strong advocacy will be necessary to ensure that important values are observed and strengthened.
Together we can guide development of the French Prairie area. We need your help, and we need your donation—today!