Land Use Issues
Friends of French PrairieEach is intended to provide an overview of the subject, the potential impact on French Prairie, and to support it with as much detailed information as we can find (i.e. maps, drawings, etc.)
We also post articles from local and national media, as they become available, for each subject.
Current French Prairie Land Use Issues
Latest Post
Friends of French Prairie Advances People’s Petition Opposing Expansion of the Aurora State Airport
Friends of French Prairie announces the establishment of a people’s petition opposed to the planned expansion of the Aurora State Airport.
Get Involved Today!
Promoting prosperous farming requires work in many areas to develop brand recognition, help local farmers find and develop new markets and connect with new opportunities—as well as preserving farm land. As new and varied demands for land arise, careful management and strong advocacy will be necessary to ensure that important values are observed and strengthened.
Together we can guide development of the French Prairie area. We need your help, and we need your donation—today!