Following the recent public disclosures made by the Dept. of Aviation that the so-called master plan for the Aurora Airport resulting from the recent master plan process has not been legally adopted by the State Aviation Board, the City of Wilsonville sent a position statement letter to the Dept. of Aviation on June 14. Its central thrust is:
…the City of Wilsonville has had serious concerns about the lack of a meaningful public process in past Aurora State Airport Master Planning processes… Under both the previously binding ODOT State Agency Coordination Program and the more recently adopted program, Wilsonville is both an impacted and interested party with respect to future Aurora State Airport Master Planning and the potential expansion of a runway… Substantial changes have been made to the draft Aurora State Airport Master Plan since the public process closed in 2012. For whatever reason, however, Wilsonville and Clackamas County were effectively excluded from that process in the past… [W]hen the Master Plan process is reopened we are confident that…the ODA will seek participation and input from Wilsonville and Clackamas County.
The absence of a legally adopted master plan comes on top of the other recent discovery, that the Dept. of Aviation by law should have been operating under the State Agency Coordinating Agreements from the Dept. of Transportation (the agency it was split off from) until its own Agreements were finalized. Those ODOT agreements (as well as the soon-to-be-adopted ODA agreements) require the inclusion of all effected jurisdictions (such as City of Wilsonville and Clackamas County). This means that ODA violated its own rules when it entered into an inter-governmental agreement (IGA) with Marion County in 2008. That IGA included an “impact area” map that stopped at the County line and effectively excluded Clackamas County and City of Wilsonville from an active role in the master planning process.