On Wednesday, June 21, the Oregon Transportation Commission took public testimony in a hearing on the ConnectOregon III program, the funding source for master planning and siting an air traffic control tower at the Aurora Airport. This project has been ranked high on the funding list, but is fraught with problems, as detailed in the section below.

Public testimony was given by Friends of French Prairie, Clackamas County, the City of Wilsonville and 1000 Friends of Oregon, all centered on:

  • the need for completion of the master planning process before any release of funds for an air traffic control tower,
  • rectification of the current IGA that excludes Clackamas County and City of Wilsonville
  • the need for an open process that includes all impacted municipalities and citizens,
  • complete and thorough assessment of all the infrastructure mitigation that would be required.

You can download testimony below:

ODT ConnectOregon III Document Package

To download the entire Oregon Department of Transportation document package, with ODA’s  application for ConnectOregon III funding, letters of concern/support and the 2000 Aurora Airport Master Plan [(Download PDF)