Aurora Airport Expansion
Land Use IssuesAurora Airport Posts
Aurora Aiport Airport Layout Plan Approved by ODA and FAA
On October 17 and 18, ODA and FAA signed the final Airport Layout Plan, finalizing the central elements of the Aurora Airport Master Plan process by finally agreeing on the location of the air traffic control tower, the strength and designation of the runway, the...
Aurora Aiport Master Plan: Preferred Alternative Presented to Board of Aviation
On March 31, the Oregon Department of Aviation recommendation on updates to the Aurora Airport Master Plan was made to the Oregon Aviation Board by ODA staff and their consultant. Of note, the core of the presentation was the explanation of the "Preferred Alternative"...
Friends of French Pairie Position on Aurora Airport Mastper Plan Development Alternatives
Friends of French Prairie submitted a written letter in opposition to all three build alternatives, accompanied by a petition signed by many members, given that all expansion alternatives do so at the expense of farm land. In part the letter said: "We are opposed to...
ODA Finally Releases Aurora Airport Build Plan Alternatives
After a month long process to update the Aurora Airport Master Plan, that has included a Public Advisory Committee (PAC), ODA and its consultants finally released Draft of Chapter 5 "Airport Development Alternatives" for review and comment. The process has seemed...
Planning Advisory Committee Protest & Clackamas County Legal Inquiry Re: Air Traffic Control Tower Planning Process
On September 14, a number of members of the Planning Advisory Committee (the planning committee appointed by Oregon Dept. of Transportation to provide planning input on the air traffic control tower) wrote a letter of protest to ODA documenting their concerns that the...
Oregon Department of Transportation Staff Report Following OTC Testimony
The testimony before the Oregon Transportation Commission given by the City of Wilsonville, Clackamas County and Friends of French Prairie was best summarized in the final testimony given by Mia Nelson of 1000 Friends of Oregon when she said that the fundamental...
Oregon Transportation Commission Hears Testimony Against Air Traffic Control Tower Plan
On Wednesday, June 21, the Oregon Transportation Commission took public testimony in a hearing on the ConnectOregon III program, the funding source for master planning and siting an air traffic control tower at the Aurora Airport. This project has been ranked high on...
Marion County & ODA Approve IGA for Aurora Airport
Over the course of the past two years, a great deal of activity has been afoot behind the scenes concerning the Aurora Airport. Most focused on the prospect of a getting funding and approval for an air traffic control tower at the airport. On June 7, Commissioner...
Heliport Zone Change Request Adjoining Aurora Airport
On March 31, 2009, U S Leaseco, Inc, a Delaware corporation with a local address in Corvallis filed an application to change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Primary Agriculture to Public, seeking an exception to Statewide Planning Goals 3 (Agricultural Lands)...
Aurora Airport Expansion
The Aurora Airport is already the busiest municipal airport in Oregon in terms of small plane take offs & landings, and has been the subject of numerous expansion and development proposals over the years. The most recent was Sen. Betsy Johnson's attempt in the...
News Coverage
State supreme court won't overturn ruling that halted Aurora Airport runway expansion
December 13, 2021
City of Aurora Wins Airport Ruling (Again)
Oregon Supreme Court Decides Not to Review Aurora Airport Case
EPA identifies more than 750 Oregon sites that could expose people to 'forever chemicals'
October 20, 2021